Will you walk with me closely?
11월, 초승 (CHOSNG)의 1st EP 에 수록될
내게 가까이 붙어 걸어줄래 (Will you walk with me closely?) 를
디지털 싱글로 선공개합니다 :)
“오래도록 함께 걸어주세요. 서로의 향이 서로에게 배어 날 만큼 가까이서.”
"Please walk with me for a long time. So closely that each other's scent will bloom out."
- Credits-
Lyrics by 초승 (CHOSNG)
Composed & Arranged by 기덕(9duck)
Presented by Studio MOS
MV Directed by 김병찬
Styling by 김려빈
Cover Photography by 보람
Cover Editing Design by 백지원 @milmool
More about CHOSNG 🌙