TWICE's Nayeon and Momo to guest on MBC's "Omniscient Interfering View"

TWICE's Nayeon and Momo to guest on MBC's "Omniscient Interfering View"

TWICE's Nayeon challenges house camping.

TWICE's house will be unveiled for the first time in the 205th episode of MBC's entertainment program "Omniscient Interfering View", which will air on the afternoon of the 25th. In addition, Nayeon, along with Momo, will present a fun and exciting daily life beyond imagination.

In the broadcast on this day, the manager said, "Nayeon has a more strange side than she looks, so she is the oldest among the members and is called the oldest and youngest."

Nayeon and Momo, who appeared in couple pajamas, started preparing breakfast with high tension from early morning. Rumor has it that when Momo opened the refrigerator door wide before starting to cook, the people watching were surprised by the unexpected items in the refrigerator. Upon hearing the news, the manager was embarrassed and said, "Didn't you clean it up?".

Nayeon will make her solo debut with her first mini album "IM NAYEON" and title track "POP!" on June 24.

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