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Former Stellar members show support for Minhee's new bakery

Former Stellar members show support for Minhee's new bakery

The members of Stellar show their close relationships to this day.

Former member Minhee recently opened a baking shop and her former bandmates came to show their support for her and her new business. Each member made a post on Instagram, praising their former bandmate and friend Minhee and her cookies.

Gayoung had this to say:

The cookie place that has been expanded and relocated because its cookies are so delicious.

Our pretty boss Minhee makes the dough and researches recipes every morning, I wonder if you guys know the blood and sweat she put into this business. Since the opening of the bakery, the customers have been lined up and the cookies have been sold out. So should I set up a cookie business too right next to The Masinneun? What to do, what to do hahahahahahaha

It's a delicious and cute cookie place where Minhee has a hand in everything!!!
It's right in front of Sanghyun Station, so definitely pay it a visit if you're in the area.
Cookies are delicious and puddings are delicious!

Our pretty Minimi, let's work less and make a lot of money!!!
Count your money and go to bed!

Hyoeun also posted to her instagram this:

It's so so pretty, cute, and delicious.
Our Minimini, congratulations!!
I'm going to come and eat Earl Grey lemon cookies again!

Jeonyoul was not one to stay quiet too and posted this:

Wishing you great success, boss Minhee. You're already a hit

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