“I Wonder Who Took the Photo” – Red Velvet’s Irene Cleaning Table After Shooting Draws Mixed Reaction From Korean Netizens

“I Wonder Who Took the Photo” – Red Velvet’s Irene Cleaning Table After Shooting Draws Mixed Reaction From Korean Netizens

Since the controversy wherein Red Velvet's Irene allegedly abused her powers and treated a stylist poorly, the image of the idol has been stained in the minds of Korean netizens.
190529 Red Velvet Irene | kpopping

While many Korean netizens were particularly supportive of Irene after she was spotted cleaning a table after a shoot, some were skeptical stating that the act felt like an effort to try and save her image.

In a forum post on a local Korean community site, Korean netizens stated their thoughts, they commented:

  • When I see something like this, I wonder who took the photo.
  • Looking at the photo alone, I don't think much, but combined with the title, it seems like an article about a member of the National Assembly who only does good things during the election season. Irene, I'm not thinking of anything, it's just because the title makes me laugh, so don't start a fight.
  • Food court? Well, in a place like this, the person who ate there should clear the table. Does a restaurant with employees usually go to that extent...? I want to do it
  • If it were any other celebrity, it would have been like, "She’s nice" hahahahaha. The importance of image…
  • No, it's possible that people have changed after that incident... I'm so scared that once they make a mistake, they want to bury it...
  • It's natural to clean up what you ate, but she probably didn't eat it alone. I think she did a good job of finishing it alone. Let's just think about it positively.
  • But she seems to be good at these things. Putting away radio scripts and tidying up. Just seems like a neat personality.


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