The Strong Friendship Between BTS's Jin and Coldplay is a Hot Topic

The Strong Friendship Between BTS's Jin and Coldplay is a Hot Topic

BTS's Jin

and Coldplay have forged a friendship that will surely last.

Chris Martin, the lead vocalist and frontman of Coldplay, recently showed his special affection for Jin at a concert in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Jin's first solo single, "The Astronaut," was prepared for his fans before Jin joined the military, and he participated in composing, writing, and performing with the world-renowned band Coldplay.

Jin and Coldplay members have been friends for the past two years even before working together on "The Astronaut." In particular, the relationship between Chris Martin and Jin was strong, and they had been in close contact even before Jin joined the military.
Chris openly mentioned in a music broadcast interview that the "My Universe" collaboration was Jin's idea, and this opportunity began the friendship between Jin and Chris.

All-K-Pop, a U.S. entertainment media outlet, reported the news of the event, titled "Chris Martin, who thanked Jin during the Amsterdam Coldplay Concert."

The media said, "Before joining the military, Jin presented Coldplay with patches and dolls (an astronaut character created as part of the promotion of 'The Astronut'). The cute astronaut has now become a symbol of Coldplay and is making his presence known on almost every concert stage he performs. Chris proudly wears a Uther patch on his clothes, presents to his fans and expresses his love," he said, expressing the friendship between the two superstars.

In addition, Coldplay has expressed his affection for Jin by taking "The Astronaut" dolls to world tours and other performances.

Whenever Chris Martin refers to Jin, he calls him "Worldwide Handsome" and has shown his affection for Jin by presenting him with a guitar that he has played for more than a decade.

Meanwhile, the song "The Astronaut," which contains the friendship between Coldplay and Jin, exceeded 200 million streams on Spotify, the world's largest music platform.


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