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The Wave

[MV] Apink(에이핑크) _ The Wave(네가 손짓해주면) [Notice] 1theK YouTube is also an official channel for the MV, and music shows will count the views from this channel too. [공지] 1theK YouTube는 MV를 유통하는 공식 채널로, 1theK에 업로드된 MV 조회수 또한 음악방송 순위에 반영됩니다. *English subtitles are now available. :D (Please click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function) :: iTunes DL : Apink, in celebration of their 5th debut anniversary, will release a 6th Digital Single [The Wave] for the fans. Since Apink's debut in 2011 with "Seven Springs of Apink", the girls have worked hard in and out of the country, becoming one of Korea's top girl groups. With "The Wave", Apink hopes to thank and return the love to the loyal fans who have stayed by their sides and supported them all these years. "The Wave" is filled with memories from all the sweet, heartwarming moments the Apink girls shared with their fans in the past 5 years. This track will surely become a gift for the fans, a song of appreciation. ▶1theK FB : ▶1theK TW : ▶1theK G+ : 今年でデビュー5周年を迎えたApinkがファンのために6th Digital Single『The Wave』を発表する。 2011年‘Seven Springs of Apink’でデビューして、国内外の活発な活動で韓国最高のガールズグループに位置づけたApinkは、 今回の曲で、長い間そばで見守りながら応援を送ってくれたファンのために、純粋な愛と感動的なメッセージを送る。 今回の曲は、過去5年間ステージでファンと一緒にして胸が一杯だった大切な瞬間と感動を盛り込んでおり、 ファンの声援への感謝と恩返しの意味で準備した贈り物のような曲である。 올해로 데뷔 5주년을 맞은 에이핑크가 팬들을 위한 6th Digital Single [네가 손짓해주면]을 발표한다. 2011년 ‘Seven Springs of Apink’로 국내에 데뷔하여, 국내외 활발한 활동을 통해 대한민국 최고의 걸그룹으로 자리매김한 에이핑크는 이번 곡을 통해 오랜 시간 동안 곁을 지켜주고, 응원을 보내준 팬들을 위해 순수한 사랑과 감동적인 메시지 전한다. 이번 곡은 지난 5년 동안 무대 위에서 팬들을 만나며, 가슴 벅찼던 소중한 순간과 감동을 담았으며, 팬들의 성원에 감사와 보답의 의미로 준비한 선물 같은 곡이다.

Pink Revolution

Pink Revolution is the third full-length album by Apink. The album has 9 songs, with "Only One" serving as the album's title track.

Release date:
Sep 26, 2016
Play M Entertainment
Full album
Pink Revolution

Pink Revolution track list


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