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MAMAMOOO Celebrates 10th Anniversary

MAMAMOOO Celebrates 10th Anniversary

Group Mamamoo celebrated its 10th anniversary on June 19, 2024.

Starting with its debut song "Mr. Ambiguous," Mamamoo stood out as a representative girl group in Korea by releasing hit songs such as "You're the Best," "Decalcomanie," "Starry Night" and "Egotistic."

Mamamoo is a group in which the distinction of each position, such as vocals, rap, and dance, is meaningless, and it has marked a milestone in the history of Korean pop music with its distinct personality and charm of four people. The following is the footsteps of Mamamoo's past decade, which has captured both fandom and popularity.

▲ From debut stage to new lyrics ad-libs...A talented girl group appears

Mamamoo performed its debut song "Mr. Ambiguous" to the public on Mnet's "M Countdown" just 10 years ago. The stage, which started with the group's signature sound, A Cappella, led to a musical-like performance and properly impressed as a talented girl group. The members' outstanding singing and performance skills as well as ad-libs that boldly change some of the lyrics from their debut stage gave a fresh shock to the music industry.

▲ Entering the annual chart for the 7th consecutive year..."Trust and listen to MAMAMOO" craze

In 2015, the second year of its debut, Mamamoo entered the annual charts of major domestic music sites such as Melon, Genie, and Bugs, seizing the title of "Trust and Listen Mamamoo." Following "Um Oh Ah Yeah," all songs were hit, including "You Are The Best," "Decalcomanie" in 2016, "Yes I Am" in 2017, "Starry Night" in 2018, "Gogobebe" in 2019, "Hip" in 2020, and "Dingga" in 2021.

In particular, Mamamoo put "I Miss You" on the annual chart of its first full-length album, not the title song, and at the time, it easily exceeded the 100,000 initial sales mark, which was unusual for a girl group.

So many iconic performances!

▲ Complete → solo tour...The standard of "Separately and Together"

Mamamoo is actively working as a unit and solo as well as a group. Solo activities that utilize their individuality have always been a hot topic, and all four members of Mamamoo were named in the top 10 solo female singers of all time in 2021. In addition, Solar and Moonbyul formed a unit Mamamoo+ in 2022 and went on an Asian tour to commemorate the release of their first mini album, Too Rabbits, last year, showing the scalability of Mamamoo.

Mamamoo also successfully held world tours "MyCon" in 9 Asian cities and 9 American cities in 2022 and 2023, and since then, all four members have been on solo concerts and tours as solo artists, showing the standard of "Separately and Together."


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