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Jay Park Becomes a Hot Topic After Launching an OnlyFans Account

Jay Park Becomes a Hot Topic After Launching an OnlyFans Account

On June 25th, Jay Park caught fans off-guard when he announced the launch of his very own account on OnlyFans, an adult content subscription service. As his first post on the platform, the singer shared revealing photos and wrote, “Thank you for your support and I’m glad to be here when everyone needs something a little different.”

Jay Park is the first-ever South Korean artist to openly join the platform. Korean media outlets speculate that this move is part of his promotion for his upcoming music release.

The singer himself also clarified that unlike most creators on the platform, his account is not based on a paid subscription.

Following the announcement of his Onlyfans account, Jay Park instantly became a hot topic all over South Korean online communities, netizens commented:

  • It's different and nice.
  • Does he really need to promote on places like that?
  • I'd be angry if my favorite member does that.
  • I thought it was fake but it turned out to be real.
  • Ah, this is a bit ㅠㅠ The promotion really has to be this scary..
  • Don’t go too far ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
  • The complaints are all fake.
  • Isn't this illegal here?
  • I thought the first one was okay, but in the woman's underwear, gasp... What are you doing? Seriously.
  • It doesn’t fit with our country’s sentiments..ㅠㅠㅠ
  • Korea is not the target market.
  • I think the last one was filmed while pooping.
  • It's funny that there's an underwear tag on it ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • He's a singer who's highly liked, so this much shield comes out. Now try everything you can. lol
  • This guy’s curiosity ㅜㅜ
  • Honestly, I think there should be more attempts like this. In a world where it was usually women who took off their clothes and received money, this counter-attempt doesn't seem bad. There should be more women who make a lot of money and women in higher positions at the executive level, and the strange look at full-time husbands should stop.
  • The promotion was a success.

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