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NOWADAYS is a five-member boy group under Cube Entertainment. They debuted on April 2nd, 2024, with their self-titled single album "NOWADAYS".
The group name "NOWADAYS" symbolizes the desire to be curious about audiences and fans. It represents the present ("NOW") and the creation of cherished moments and memories together in the future ("DAYS").
The fandom name "DAY_AND" embodies the concept of being present in "NOWADAYS" daily lives (DAY), as the fans will always be with NOWADAYS (AND) and will continue to create memories with fans (AND).
See pics for more Hyeonbin
Korean: 현빈
Japanese: ヒョンビン
See pics for more Yoon
Korean: 윤
Japanese: ユン
See pics for more Yeonwoo
Korean: 연우
Japanese: ヨンウ
See pics for more Jinhyuk
Korean: 진혁
Japanese: ジンヒョク