Our Dawn is hotter than Day
[Choreography Video] SEVENTEEN(세븐틴) - 우리의 새벽은 낮보다 뜨겁다 (Our Dawn Is Hotter Than Day)
SEVENTEEN 'YOU MAKE MY DAY' on iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/album/seventeen-5th-mini-album-you-make-my-day-ep/1412671110?l=ko&ls=1&app=itunes
SEVENTEEN Official Homepage: http://www.seventeen-17.com
SEVENTEEN Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/seventeennews
SEVENTEEN Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/pledis_17
SEVENTEEN Official Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/saythename_17
SEVENTEEN Official Fancafe: http://cafe.daum.net/pledis-17
You Make My Day
You Make My Day is the fifth mini-album by SEVENTEEN. It was released on July 16, 2018 with "Oh My!" serving as the title track. The physical release comes in three CD version (Meet, Follow, and Set The Sun) and Kihno album Set The Sun ver.
Release date:
Jul 16, 2018
Pledis Entertainment
Korean, English