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Soojin Captivates With "MONA LISA" Music Video

Soojin Captivates With "MONA LISA" Music Video

Singer Soojin captured the hearts of music fans with a bolder and more captivating temptation.

Soojin's new EP album "RIZZ" was released on various online music sites at 6 p.m. on the 23rd. Like the title of "RIZZ," which means "attractive to others," this album gives a glimpse of Soojin's colorful charm.

The title song "MONA LISA" is a track with an electric guitar and synth sound above the bounce-like Afrobeats rhythm that gives a mysterious and mysterious feeling. Like Mona Lisa's subtle gaze and atmosphere, the lyrics that capture the moment are attractive.

"The scent of the petals / flutters by / Like the sand that comes out of the bird / I'm strong / You'll never know me / The more you touch / The more clear the frame becomes, the more cloudy it becomes."

Will you try the dance challenge?

Soojin's visual transformation in the music video released together is impressive. From rough charisma to innocent and pure charm, Soojin's colored sides are all included.

In addition, it is filled with songs from various genres that Soojin is trying anew. You can also see Soojin's musical challenges and growth, and confidence in her high-quality album.

Soojin threw her hat in the ring as a solo artist with her first EP album "Agassy" in November last year. Attention is focusing on Soojin's next move, which has proven her competence as an upgraded artist with this album.

The dance break is impressive.


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