*Twitter : https://twitter.com/GreatGuys_twt
*Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/greatguys_official/
*Tiktok : https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSJLmW96C/
*펜카페 : https://cafe.daum.net/GreatGuysOfficial
*V-Live : https://www.vlive.tv/channel/CBC66D
*NAVER TV : https://tv.naver.com/ggjs758
- 멜론: http://kko.to/aRbWcpeCk
- 지니: https://www.genie.co.kr/detail/albumInfo?axnm=82829147
- 벅스: https://music.bugs.co.kr/album/20480270
- 플로: https://www.music-flo.com/detail/album/edhoydiny/albumtrack
- 바이브: https://vibe.naver.com/album/7775654
- 스포티파이: https://open.spotify.com/album/1REpm97CuztdNRhmTGLOyv
- 애플뮤직: https://music.apple.com/us/album/were-not-alone-final-only-you-ep/1633566017
▶'Blind Love' 3D VR MV Teaser : https://bit.ly/3OzBm5O
▶'Blind Love' 3D VR ver. : https://linktr.ee/starflexvr
[ 앨범소개 ]
타이틀곡 ‘BLIND LOVE’는 Stab 사운드를 이용한 강렬한 느낌의 Blind Love. 그 속의 R&B스러운 멜로디 라인을 더해 곡의 긴장감과 섹시함을 표현한 댄스/일렉트로닉 장르의 곡이다.Chorus의 반복되는 Blind Love라는 가사가 이 곡의 캐치프레이즈(Catchphrase)이다.
모든 것을 다 받쳐도 아깝지 않을 맹목적인 사랑에 대한 감정을 담은 곡이며 멋진녀석들의
팬덤'그레이스'와 평생 함께 하겠다는 멋진녀석들의 메시지를 담았다.
The title track “BLIND LOVE” is a dance/electronic song that expresses tension and sexiness through an R&B melody line and the intensity of “blind love” by utilizing a “stab” sound effect. The repeated lyrics “blind love” is the catchphrase of the track.
This GreatGuys song conveys the meaning that it is never a waste to give up everything to support the one you love unconditionally, and it contains the message that Greatguys will be with Grace for the rest of their lives.