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Tilt My Head

[MV] Girl`s Day(걸스데이) _ Tilting my head(갸우뚱) *English subtitles are now available. :D (Please click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function) The debut song of Girl's Day titled 'Tilting my head' is a typical electro synth pop geared with aggressive shythm and wild synth sounds as well as the lyrics singing the regret that makes you tilt your head for an indecisive couple who hesitates to come closer but just looking each other although they like each other. The song is made by the collaboration of the composition duo 'ashtray' and 'Yoon Yeo Hoon', who are becoming more popular with the participation in a lot of albums for female singers including Lee Soo Young, Lee Jung Hyeon, Ahn Jin Kyoung and others, and the new lyrics writer 'Tommy J'. ▶1theK FB : ▶1theK TW : ▶1theK G+ : ガールズデイのデビュータイトル曲「首をかしげて」は、好きなのに近寄ることができず、ただじっと見つめるだけの優柔不断な彼を見て首をかしげているしかない切なさを表現した歌詞と、積極的なリズムとタフなシンセサウンドで重武装した典型的なエレクトロシンスポップで作られた曲。この曲は、イ・スヨン、イ・ジョンヒョン、アン・ジンギョンなど、複数の女性歌手たちのアルバムに参加して最近浮上している作曲コンビ‘ashtray’と‘ユン・ヨフン’、そして新人作曲家‘Tommy J’のコラボで完成した。 걸스데이의 데뷔 타이틀곡 ‘갸우뚱’은 마음에 드는데도 자신에게 선뜻 다가서지 못하고 멀뚱멀뚱 바라만 보고 있는 우유부단한 연인에게 고개를 갸우뚱 거릴 수밖에 없는 안타까움을 표현한 가사와 공격적인 리듬과 거친 신스 사운드로 중무장하면서 전형적인 일렉트로 신스팝으로 만들어진 곡이다. 이곡은 이수영, 이정현, 안진경 등 여러 여가수들의 앨범에 참여하면서 최근 떠오르고 있는 작곡 콤비인 ‘ashtray’와 ‘윤여훈‘ 그리고 신인 작곡가 ’Tommy J‘가 협업하여 완성했다.

Girl's Day Party #1

”Girl’s Day Party #1” is the debut single album by Girl’s Day.

Release date:
Jul 9, 2010
Dream T Entertainment
Single album
Girl's Day Party #1

Girl's Day Party #1 track list


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