SEVENTEEN Releases More Grandiose "Maestro (Orchestra ver.)" Remix

SEVENTEEN Releases More Grandiose "Maestro (Orchestra ver.)" Remix

Group Seventeen has released an orchestra remix of the title song "MAESTRO" from its best album "17 Is Right Here."

According to the agency Pledis Entertainment on the 3rd, the remix is a song with added grandeur by arranging the original song, a dance R&B genre, and recreating it into an orchestra sound.

Earlier, SEVENTEEN presented the message "Let's gather together to lead our world and be the best to lead the flow" in "Maestro," which was revealed on the 29th of last month.

The kings of slaying every genre!

Immediately after its release, Maestro ranked No. 1 on iTunes' top song charts in 32 countries around the world, including Spain, Indonesia, the Philippines and Mexico. It also ranked at the top of major domestic music charts.

The best album "17 is Right Here" instantly became a double million seller, selling more than 2 million copies on the first day of its release based on the Hanteo Chart. In addition, it has sold more than 2.7 million copies cumulatively over the past four days, and is cruising to 3 million copies.

The remix became a hot topic even before it's release.

Seventeen will appear on KBS 2TV's "Music Bank" on the same day and perform its "Maestro" performance. It will also have an encore tour at an ultra-large stadium in Japan. It will hold "SEVENTEEN 'FOLLOW' AGAIN" at Yanma Stadium in Osaka from 18th to 19th and Nissan Stadium in Kanagawa from 25th to 26th of the same month, respectively, and meet with Japanese carats.


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