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YUJU Makes Our “Evening” Brighter With BIG Naughty

YUJU Makes Our “Evening” Brighter With BIG Naughty

Today, July 28, 2022, at 6 PM (KST), YUJU dropped the music video of her latest digital single "Evening" featuring BIG Naughty.

She recently signed with KONNECT Entertainment last year after the disbandment of GFRIEND and her departure from Source Music after almost 7 years. She made her official solo artist debut last January of this year.

Her fans praised her for always having something to offer and being multi-talented. They also appreciated that she is solidifying her sound as a solo artist. Furthermore, they also commended the color palette of the MV and the vibe of the song "Evening."

Check out her latest single "Evening" here!

Congratulations YUJU for your latest single!

(Credits to KONNECT official YouTube channel for the thumbnail)

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